Teacher Information

My story...

Since 2012, my life has been directed by the idea of personal empowerment. I began shifting my awareness and perspective from my patterns of behavior of “What’s in it for me?” and realized that I feel far more inspired and empowered when I live my life through the idea of “How may I be of service?”. This new desire of how I wanted to be, led me to asking questions including “Who am I? Why am I here? Why do I behave in ways that, after the fact, I wanted to be different?”

​I’ve had many triumphs since then in terms of understanding myself, but knowing myself was a behavior prediction and not a solution. I now know that it is my subconscious programs of belief that are determining our experience.

Through my research of personal empowerment, a powerful process for changing subconscious programs of belief called PSYCH-K came into my awareness. This modality has since provided me with the freedom to be the change I want to see. Expanding my practice of self-awareness through authenticity, self-love, self-worth, unconditional love, clear communication, understanding others but most importantly, remaining open to all possibilities yet attached to none has changed my life’s experience.

​“How may I be of service?” has been answered for me. I am honored and passionate about facilitating the belief change process of PSYCH-K as well as teaching what I have learned about personal empowerment, as it is creating richer and more passionate lives.

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